Logging out

Allocation of time and attention is zero-sum. In 2016 I was drafting up a blog series on bicameralism and finding plenty of time to read long interesting things. I followed sports occasionally.

Then the election happened and my reading time went to Seth Abramson threads, my writing time went to debating Facebook friends I have met on the mats either once or perhaps not at all, and the part of my brain which might remember who the utility infielder is was shifted over to keeping track of felonious campaign managers and Rudy Giuliani associates.

Then we had a baby, and any hope of reading or writing went out the window.

A few weeks ago I logged out of Facebook to keep myself from logging in mindlessly. What do you know? Even now there is still time in my day!

I read two books and wrote a thing. (Another blog to not post to enough!)

Studies show that using facebook makes you less happy the more you use it. My personal experience certainly bears this out. But the happiest people aren’t those who don’t use facebook at all, it is the people who use Facebook only a little bit. I’m going to try to be one of those people.

Logging out again…

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